Lyst Concept Studio Caroline Blomgren

The word ‘Lyst’ is danish for lust which is a reflection of what drives the company’s founder Caroline Blomgren. In swedish, lyst also describes something that is looking bright. For Caroline, in the intersection of these two Scandinavian countries, magic is created when it comes to design and architecture.

Through lust, passion and an open mind for creative solutions, Caroline has started Lyst Concept Studio to help customers with their big and small projects to reach their visual goals. She brings into this company years of experience in the creative textile industry together with studies and successfully completed projects in interior design.

Lyst Concept Studio is a creative interior- and concept studio which takes its inspiration from all over the world and across multiple disciplines. Its aim is to dig deep conceptually to achieve sustainable interior designs and visual results that keeps inspiring and lasts for a long time. We want to challenge our customers to join in on the conceptual journey to find bold ideas that renew and endure.
Although everything is in a state of flux, what we do, we do for the future.

Lyst Concept Studio offers a range of different conceptual services and our agile mindset allows us to tailor make solutions that best meet the needs of your company. Our involvement can span from conceptual brainstorming to a complete solution from start to finish. Together with industry partners in all relevant fields, the projects are tailored individually.


Services Lyst Concept Studio